Ontdek het thema

Ontwerp 2

Design has too much emphasis on paved area and structures, lack emphasis on greenery.

Wat vind je goed aan het ontwerp?

Good idea to limit parking space on Mareestraat. Water play area can be nice, only if well executed. How about the maintenance? Good that it addresses issue of buffer to the street traffic.

Wat kan beter in dit ontwerp?

Design is overall too clean with no concrete plan or thorough consideration for creating more greenery/trees. Too much paved surface area in an already too small green space. Why do we need such a large paved area in front of the building? There is also entrance from bike parking on Melleartstraat. We need maximum green space! The light circle is not a good addition, we do not need more unnecessary structure. The park should be seen as a recreational space, not only a meeting place or waiting area for parents picking up children. Should focus on a less manicured, natural green area.